
The following classes are available globally.

  • Bluejay is a simple wrapper around CoreBluetooth that focuses on making a common usage case as straight forward as possible: a single connected peripheral that the user is interacting with regularly (think most personal electronics devices that have an associated iOS app: fitness trackers, guitar amps, etc).

    It also supports a few other niceties for simplifying usage, including automatic discovery of services and characteristics as they are used, as well as supporting a background task mode where the interaction with the device can be written as synchronous calls running on a background thread to avoid callback pyramids of death, or heavily chained promises.

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    public class Bluejay : NSObject
  • A synchronous interface to the Bluetooth peripheral, intended to be used inside the backgroundTask block of run(backgroundTask:completionOnMainThread:) to perform multi-part operations without the need for a complicated callback or promise setup.

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    public class SynchronizedPeripheral